Did you know?
Wwe've been busy this year in 2022 and can't wait to keep expanding in 2023! We can't do it without your support and thank you for...
Student Spotlight – Glenda
Glenda has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and didn’t know about the beneficial power of Ballroom Dance until she visited her...
Student Spotlight – Azi
These classes bring joy not only in to the lives of those affected by neurological disease, but their family members as well. A program...
Student Spotlight – Eileen
Eileen and Patricia Meet participant Eileen (left) and her friend Patricia (right). Eileen jokes that if someone is going to get...
Student Spotlight – Lilian
Our rockstar Lillian has never missed a class and has shown incredible growth! A great grandmother of seven, she has no intention of...
Student Spotlight – Dave
Even though Dave is very active, he struggles with the same thing most Parkinson’s patients struggle with: the disease robs the brain of...
Student Spotlight – Rick
The road isn’t always smooth. On their first day, Rick struggled with “freezing”- a common struggle for people with Parkinson’s. Just...
Student Spotlight – Alan
The first day I met him, he was embarrassed about his perceived disabilities. But Alan loves to dance. He just lost his confidence to be...
Student Spotlight – James
It’s been 6 months of lessons now, once a week for 30-45 minutes and James’ path hasn’t been perfectly smooth. The first three months saw...